Monday, June 22, 2015

Let us know what you are reading

Please keep reading and let us know what you are reading. Comment here for now until I think of a better way for us to communicate.

So far I have read:

The Actual and Truthful Adventures of Becky Thatcher my score is 3 - it's pretty good
Nuts To You 2-3 It's okay, not very deep-- a forest friend story

I am current reading Brown Girl Dreaming - I really like it so far, it's a memoir in poems

PS, I listen to almost all of my books. Check out or download a book and try it. I'm kind of addicted and spend all day walking around town and listening to recorded books. I try to stay out of the way of cars.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday 6-19-15

Here we are at 2:30 on Thursday. I'm sure we miss each other already. Remember, you can make comments to this blog, and send me things on email and I will publish here. We want to hear your summer stories and see your photos.

One of my favorite recyle animals!

Here is Ms. Lamb's Awesome Group 10 posing with our Stevasaurus.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday 6-17-15

Tomorrow is our last day and it's a FIELD DAY - so wear proper footwear for running around.

Have a great summer readers.

I will continue to post here and kids can post comments. If kids send me pictures, I will post them here so we can keep up with each other.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday 6-16-15

We closing in on summer.

Today we wrapped up our Year End Studies (or Innovation Day Projects) and presented. We have a few left for tomorrow.
We start tomorrow with an awards assembly for 8th grade.

Please bring an empty backpack so you can take home all your stuff.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday 6-15-15

The year is quickly coming to a close
This week there will be no assigned homework. Students are welcome to work on the Year End Study.

Today we kicked off the studies with a very successful morning. Kids are learning animation, writing long stories, researching beloved topics, making videos, making clamation videos. It's fun to watch.

We will continue tomorrow and wrap up with some sort of presentation. Presentations may start tomorrow afternoon, but will also run into Wednesday.

We continue to finish up work as well. Today we have science presentations and more read aloud.
Tomorrow we will write goals and clean out cubbies so come with bags to carry home your stuff.

Remember this Thursday is field day. Make sure you wear proper footwear.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Monday 6-8-15

Tonight's homework:
Math 15-16
LA check your schoology grades. Finish or complete any work with 1, 2 or 0.
Christopher Columbus - not graded yet
edutyping - not graded yet
DCF illustration
Reading Record

We are working on our final exam argument. It is important that all writing be done at school. Students that wish to may do some research and note-taking at home.

If you are really dieing to do more homework - start thinking about your End of the Year Study. We watche this video today
Innovation Day to get psyched.

Here are our notes and the schedule for next week.

Year End Study Ideas

Proposed schedule for next week

Friday, June 5, 2015

Thursday Friday 6-4 and 5

Oops - forgot to post yesterday. There was math homework  (9-14) I hope it got done.

We have been working working working on our Christopher Columbus hero or villain argument. Today we posted them on schoology. A few kids want to work more over the weekend, but they have to post on Monday.

Today, Friday, we searched around for a new topic to do completely on our own. This is a final exam for writing. Students will

find a topic you are passionate about on their own
find at least two sources to back up your argument
write an argument essay of 4-5 paragraphs meeting the rubric (see the Assignment Alert on our webpage)
turn it in on schoology by Wednesday afternoon

This must be done completely at school.

Homework for LA next week will be read and edutyping.

Students should be thinking of an end of year study topic they want to investigate on their own next week. More on this Monday.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday 6-3-15

There are a lot of interruptions these last days of the school year. Today 12 boys left early for a Velocity Field trip. The rest of us listened to another chapter of The One Safe Place which is starting to sound not all that safe to me.

This morning The Night Gardener group moved forward also. We all worked more on our Christopher Columbus argument. They are looking pretty good. We will all post on on Friday and I will practice grade them and send the grade. The idea is we will use schoology for a lot of our work next year. I can post all the assignments and rubrics and grades there.

Coming next week, each of us will choose a topic we feel passionately about (one way or the other.) We will do our own research in class and write the entire argument essay in class as a final writing assessment.

This will take most of next week. Homework for next week will include reading and edutyping for LA. I think Mr. Meadows mentioned a math skills sheet for next week. That will definitely be the last week of homework for this year.

We are planning a short year end project for Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Next Thursday will be an all school all day event.

Math skill sheet due tomorrow
LA Columbus, edutyping

There is a concert for Move Up Day Friday. 5th grade band and chorus will perform at 2:00.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Monday and Tuesday 6-1/2

Sorry, I really thought I posted this yesterday. The days are blending together.

On Monday in LA we focused on our arguments. We learned to use like we used We posted our arguments and got feedback from our group members. Then we continued with revisions.

Speaking of continuing, it makes better sense to focus on this piece and making it great rather then turning our focus to the chocolate milk I'm moving that to September. This year we will finish with Columbus, find a topic of our own to research and write an argument of our own. That will wrap up our writing unit. (You will notice I removed it from the Assignment Alert page.

Some of these Columbus essays are outstanding and some are  really coming along. For whatever you think about Columbus, he makes a great topic for argument.

Today, many many of us went to a concert at JES this morning (band and chorus) so Ms. Lamb had a DC group with six kids. We continued our research, read a little and worked on edutyping.

So, speaking of edutyping, the proficiecy expectation for fifth grade is as follows:

Keyboarding Standards

Grade 5 - Student is able to perform the following tasks while using a typing software:

  • use the program without looking at the keyboard (use keyboard skin or cover)
  • use proper hand placement: both hands on the keyboard, correct fingers on the home row, thumb(s) resting on space bar.
  • assume good posture (sitting up straight, feet flat on the floor if possible)
  • compose at least one page (about 500 words) on the computer in a 25 minute sitting
  • practice at least two sessions per week for 12 to 18 weeks at 15+ minutes per session
  • Standard
    • Substantially below proficient: 0 – 14 WPM or less than 80% accuracy
    • Partially proficient:  15 – 20 WPM and at least 80% accuracy
    • Proficient:  20-30 WPM and at least 85% accuracy
    • Proficient with distinction: 31 or more WPM and at least 90% accuracy

seriously keep practicing!

Monday's homework
Math: Skill sheet due Thursday
LA: edutyping, Columbus essay revisions (will be posted on schoology on Friday or before)
READ no kidding, keep reading

Tuesday's homework
Math: 2-6 pages and skill sheet due Thursday
LA: Continue revising,