Friday, August 29, 2014

August 29, 2014

We started with a fabulous meet and greet. Thanks to all the parents, grandparents, friends, relative, guardians that came in. It's great to start getting to know you.
We played a quick game of blog tag. Great working together activity.

Looks like decorating folders in Organization EXP.

Today's bloggers are Rachel and Ms. Lamb.

The breakfast was great. We heard a lot about band and went over the webpage and answered questions. We have set up a website to schedule ten minute conferences to start getting to know adults a little better.
Go to this site to set up a conference. We hope to meet with all parents and guardians.

We do not usually have homework on Fridays. We use the weekend to get caught up on missed work or reading. The regular homework expectations will be up to 20 minutes of math practice, 10-20 minutes of reading (choice usually) and 10 minutes of writing four days per week. Next week we will continue to practice the homework at school. Students will bring home the work to show, and possibly finish a bit. On September 8, homework will start coming home. Student planners came today. We will start using those on Tuesday.

Have a fabulous Labor Day weekend!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28, 2014 Thursday

We got outside for our regular entire recess today.

We worked in groups to come up with ways we want our class to look, sound and feel.

Ms. Lamb is blogger of the day. We started the day outside for pre school playground time. At 8:00 the entire school practiced bus protocols and before school protocols. Ask your student to describe these protocols.

Today's Homework
Write in your homework journal. Describe your ideal classroom. (Note, we did this at the end of the day together to discuss what journal homework looks like, and how long it should take. Students are bringing home the journal to share with parents and returning the red folder and journal tomorrow. Students who still owe office information should also bring that in.)

Notes from the blogger.
We had another great day. It seemed much smoother already. We are getting around very well and working together. We started a partner project of creating a map of the classroom. We will discuss what final drafts look like and finish up tomorrow.

We were challenged to silently line up according to our birthdays which we did splendidly. Then we worked in randomly assigned groups to come up with three looks like, sounds like and feels like for our classroom. Tomorrow we will turn our ideas into three to five major guidelines for our classroom.

Don't forget the meet and greet morning watermelon fest. Come anytime from 7:45 to 8:50. Ms. Frank will be here to introduce herself and the band program. If you can't come, no worries. We will set up a special time to meet you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

First day August 27, 2014

Kids hanging out waiting for school to start. Ususally we will be outside.

The Welcome Board will greet us every day.
Here we are working on out name placards. We have our name, something no one knows about us, a hobby, favorite book or movie and favorite food.

Kids wait in line for lunch.
These are the hallway expectations. We traveled around a lot today. We had chorus, PE or World Languages, and Community, Organization or Guidance.
Here we are in chorus. We learned a cool song about summer time blues.
We had a busy, but pretty fun first day.

Tonight's homework:
Bring RED folder home to parents. Get paperwork filled out, especially the yellow card. Bring the folder and paperwork to school tomorrow. Stickers for folders for whoever gets their cards in. This RED folder will become our homework folder. On Friday we get our Assignment Books (also red.)

Note from the blogger.
We had a great first day, with a lot  of learning about procedures and specials classes. On Wednesdays we have three specials. We spent the entire morning together and got to know each other a little bit. We have four new students from other schools joining those of us who were here on move up day.

Tomorrow, when kids arrive, instead of coming to the classroom, they will go through the dining room, stop for breakfast or to buy a snack for later, go to hang up bags in the hall of pegs and go outside for before school recess. (That's a bit of an oxymoron. We will learn about those later.)

Remember, parents and guardians are welcome to visit the classroom this Friday for a fruity meet and greet, from 7:45 to 8:50 a.m. Please return the yellow cards with emails so we can contact you to set up a getting to know you meeting. If you cannot attend the meet and greet we will contact you soon.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014