Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2 2014

Our first math class with our Awesome and Fantastic groups.

Tada. Schedule. We followed the schedule mostly today. Our social studies and iblock times are used for team building, rule agreeing and general begin a group together activities.

Today’s bloggers: Piper, Finn and Ms. Lamb

I noticed at recess kids were sharing tether balls, swings and taking turns playing handball. It was a really nice recess.

I sat in the shade and played a game called kitten.

We had our first official homework assignment.
We finally followed our schedule.
We got our new red assignment books and read them.

Parents make sure assignment books come home with children every day. Today, is the exception because our end of the day was super rushed.

One class had PE and one class had World Languages.

We worked on our class rules and in teams tried to create the longest continuous line of paper out of one flat 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper. It was challenging.

Homework: (NOTE: this homework is not due until Thursday. One class (Super) had library and did not have time to finish. We will finish in class tomorrow. The end of the day ran out on us, so assignment books and folders may not come home today.

Library group:
Read new novel
In journal : Why did I choose this novel and what do I expect?

Non library group:
Read the poem “On Turning 10” by Billy Collins
Write your own poem in your journal about turning 10 or being in 5th grade. You may just write a paragraph if you prefer.

Again, this is an extended assignment due Thursday, so it may not come home until tomorrow.

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