Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday 5-7

We had too many tests
we had a little extra long recess
then we started our explorer research...each student has their own individual to research and a note taking paper called "Explorer Profile."

We will take notes for two class periods, then start our bio card project.

In the mean time, we have some videos to watch and a decision to make...
were these good guys or not? was more good done than harm? are we better off?

We have one more assessment tomorrow - istation - a quick computer test with four parts.

Next week is SBAC sooooo
there will be no other assessments that week and no homework.

For the next two weeks continue to do edutyping as much as possible, as much as possible and READ YOUR DCF NOVELS!

Tonight's homework:
LA - read your novel, edutype and freerice
math - none - recover from today's quiz

Coming home tomorrow - mid trimester progress reports.

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