Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday 11-21-14

Greetings from Washington DC where I'm at a writing conference.

Here is what I hope is going on at school today.

Awesome had a science assessment first thing, while Fantastic finished creating their own continents.

Everyone wrote a final reflective essay for first trimester which ends today.

Everyone watched a movie together.

Over vacation:
Keep reading
Finish any work you need to , but email Ms. Lamb if you need her to wait to assess your Vermont project or your personal narrative.
Have a wonderful Thsnksgiving break. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wednesday and Thursday 11-19,20

I rushed out Wednesday to cTch a plane to Washi glom DC to the National Writing Project Annual Meeting so I forgot to post. 
Wednesday homework
Finish math from yesterday

Thursday homework
Current event
Not sure what math is

Have a great vacation!
I'll write tomorrow live from WA if I remember.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday 11 - 18-14

In Writer's Workshop, Jack strikes an unusual pose while Sabrina photo bombs. We finished our personal narratives today (or they are homework.)

We will also work to finish our Fantastic Social Studies Vermont and Me googlepresentations or they are homework.
Everything must be finished by Friday for report cards.

Homework today:
LA Write about your book - today, explain why the person in your biography is a leader and how they left a legacy.

Read for 30 minutes

Pages 19 C 19 D and page 20
Skill sheet due Thursday

Tuesday 11-18-14

In Writer's Workshop, Jack strikes an unusual pose while Sabrina photo bombs. We finished our personal narratives today (or they are homework.)

We will also work to finish our Fantastic Social Studies Vermont and Me google presentations or they are homework.
Everything must be finished by Friday for report cards.

Homework today:
LA Write about your book - today, explain why the person in your biography is a leader and how they left a legacy.

Read for 30 minutes

page 19 C and D and page 20
Skill sheet due Thursday

Tuesday 11 / 18 / 14

Team Energy will be finishing up the Matter Unit this week.  Students in Team Awesome will be taking their unit final exam...  Make sure you know the explanation for why objects sink or float in water?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday 11-17-14

Great day!
In LA we are on our last lap of revising our personal narratives. We also had  all of us in team Fantastic read to Ms. Lamb or Ms. Lipsitt for our fluency assessment.
Ms. Lamb checked on biography note progress. Some kids had not started! but they have now.

It is a week of assessments, in that report card marking period ends this Friday.

In social studies we work to finish our Vermont and Me projects by tomorrow afternoon.

Today's homework:
LA - YWP prmopt: Alone - what do you do when you are alone? or write a story about being alone.
OR Nanowrimo or your own idea

Read for 30 minutes. Your biography should be finished by Friday so perhaps this is what you read each day this week.

Math: Page 19 A and B
Skill sheet due Thursday

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday 11-14-15

We end the day with art time. We are making a hand collage. We had CARES shout outs for

  • Thatcher - incredible reading prowess and knowledge to add to any conversation - also very funny to be with
  • Sydney - helpful, nice, always looks out for you
  • Emma - Loyal friend, ready to give you a hug, wacky fun
  • Trevor - always encouraging and can really take a hit and keep going
  • Madison - perseverance and effort in math

This morning after math and la we had some cooperative group challenges with hula hoops.

We worded on typing skills and had library time in LA.
Have a great weekend.
Do some reading.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday 11-13-14

LA still working on our narratives.
Math still dividing and multiplying - what are factors?
Science density - working on a graph
Social Studies - more Vermont and Me Project
End of the day - big class meeting about positive and negative behaviors and consequences - let's get back on track to our cheery positive hardworking Team Energy

LA - Current Events (magazines given in class)
Read for 30 minutes
Math - hand in your skill sheet in math tomorrow
DO page 18 tonight

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday 11-12-14

I wasn't there today. Here is what I imagined happened.
Everyone behaved amazingly politely and earnestly and helped the new substitute in every way they could.
LA went to the lab to work on narratives and comment on other's posted on YWP.

Math menu finished splendid renditions of their Exemplars problems.

End of the day LA finished their blind sorts and quietly took notes on their biography leader.

LA - Write about science or social studies ISILT In Science (or Social Studies) I learned that....

Read for 20-30 minutes

Math Skill sheet is due tomorrow. There may have been something else, but I can't imagine it right now.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday 11-11-14

Homework today:

Journal: Nanowrimo or
Novel write - describe the setting and how it affects the story.
Read for 30 minutes
Exemplars due tomorrow
Skill sheet due Thursday
Page 14 due tomorrow

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday 11-10-14

Today in LA we took a look at our journals and filled out a self assessment.
Journals are graded on quanity (all there and 100 words each) and quality (answers the question or writes some interesting thoughts)

Then we really read our writing narratives with a pencil in hand. We tried to make sentences and paragraphs to make the reader better able to understand us.

In social studies, we begin  our Vermont and Me assessment project.

LA Invent a mythical animal and write about it. or free choice or NANOWRIMO

Math: Pages 12 and 13, Exemplars problem due on Wednesday 11/12
skill sheet due Thursday

Read: Biography should be done by next Friday

Lessons tomorrow - bring your instrument

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday 11-7-14

A regular fun Friday.

Note: The pictures are in, but Mr. Meadows took them and then left for a dentist appointment without handing them out, so....Monday they will come home. Sorry about that.

We started in the lab posting our second drafts on YWP. Now others can read and give comments. We will work to finish these on Wednesday next week.

The trimester only has two weeks left (then it's Thanksgiving Break!)
We need to:
finish our narrative
take a narrative assessment
take a reading Istation assessment
do a read aloud test (one minute of read aloud)
Finish a Vermont and Me Social Studies assessment (Fantastic only)
and that's just LA and Social Studies.
I bet Mr. Meadows has a few more to kick in to the mix.

In social studies, each group (Bushmen, All Stars, Tamaris and Purple Prickly Piranahs) presented an overview of their hunting gathering society and how the environment influenced their culture. Next week we begin to anaylize how living in Vermont affects us.

Kids are off to PE/Music followed by Unified ARTS (COG)
When they return we read silently (USSR - uninterrupted sustained silent reading) only I'm going to interrupt a few to finish narratives and CLEAN OUR CUBBIES (they are getting a bit out of hand and possibly coming to life.)

Ms. Lamb will collect journals today. Remember, NANOWRIMO novelists share your novel with Ms. Lamb in place of Monday, Tuesday and Thursday journal writes.

See you next week. Enjoy the weekend.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday 11-6-14

I'm starting this in the morning this time, so maybe I won't forget to update it later.

We watch the play today - can't wait.
The plans are - more finishing of second drafts and social studies projects (remember, both are due Friday)

We did not have word study this week to allow for more writing time. We'll resume next week.

Ms. Lamb has high hopes for updating Schoolspring today. Let's see if it happens.

Homework today:
LA - current events
Read for 30 minutes biography or novel
Math: TBD

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday 11-5-14

LA - ISILT or ISSILT (social studies or science overview)
Math page 3 Skill sheet due tomorrow

More later....if I remember

More with second drafts today. They need to be done by Friday. (We work on these narratives for one more week, then publish)

Tuesday 11-4-14

LA Journal - write about the person you are studying with your biography
Read for 30
Math - page

Sorry, backposting - forgot yesterday

This day was very very productive. We pushed forward with our society projects (due Friday) and finished The Gods Must Be Crazy.

In science, further experiments with density - sinking and floating.

In math, more problem solving and division.

In LA - story arcs and second drafts.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday 11-3-14

Homework today:
LA Journal (Note: Nanowrimo participants will be sharing their novels and are exempt from Monday, Tuesady and Thursday journal homework.)
Write about the best holiday experience you have had or free choice.

Read 30 minutes

Math: Skill sheet and Exemplars (Due later this week - not tomorrow)

Here's the overview of the day.

In LA we sorted out our biography project. The first due date is 8 notes (include one citation note) by next Monday, 11-10. The book must be finished by Thanksgiving break (and all notes taken from your book)

In writing workshop we revisited our flashdrafts as we will be doing for the next two weeks. We did a silent personal conference and took notes on our draft. Tomorrow we have a lesson on compelling beginnings and get back to the computers to redraft.

In social studies - we continued to work on our ADAPT society projects.

We will take a week off from word study this week. We will have a quiz tomorrow during aftrnoon LA.