Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday 11-3-14

Homework today:
LA Journal (Note: Nanowrimo participants will be sharing their novels and are exempt from Monday, Tuesady and Thursday journal homework.)
Write about the best holiday experience you have had or free choice.

Read 30 minutes

Math: Skill sheet and Exemplars (Due later this week - not tomorrow)

Here's the overview of the day.

In LA we sorted out our biography project. The first due date is 8 notes (include one citation note) by next Monday, 11-10. The book must be finished by Thanksgiving break (and all notes taken from your book)

In writing workshop we revisited our flashdrafts as we will be doing for the next two weeks. We did a silent personal conference and took notes on our draft. Tomorrow we have a lesson on compelling beginnings and get back to the computers to redraft.

In social studies - we continued to work on our ADAPT society projects.

We will take a week off from word study this week. We will have a quiz tomorrow during aftrnoon LA.

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