Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday 11-17-14

Great day!
In LA we are on our last lap of revising our personal narratives. We also had  all of us in team Fantastic read to Ms. Lamb or Ms. Lipsitt for our fluency assessment.
Ms. Lamb checked on biography note progress. Some kids had not started! but they have now.

It is a week of assessments, in that report card marking period ends this Friday.

In social studies we work to finish our Vermont and Me projects by tomorrow afternoon.

Today's homework:
LA - YWP prmopt: Alone - what do you do when you are alone? or write a story about being alone.
OR Nanowrimo or your own idea

Read for 30 minutes. Your biography should be finished by Friday so perhaps this is what you read each day this week.

Math: Page 19 A and B
Skill sheet due Thursday

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