Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday 12-12-14

Well, I never expected three days off before Christmas. Now I have no excuse to not have my decorations up.

Don't worry about work anyone, we will regroup on Monday and move forward. Maybe will all my time off I will create a syllabus so you know what is coming up.
Here is a note from Julie in the cafeteria.

Good Morning!!
Due to the school cancellations we are making the following changes to next week's menu:

Monday- Taco Salad (see 12/10)

Tuesday- Brunch Lunch (see 12/15)

Wednesday- Homemade Pizza (see 12/12)

Thursday- North Woods Beef Stew (see 12/17)

Friday- Grilled Chicken w/ Caesar Salad (see 12/18)

Please make an announcement to all students so that they are aware of the changes!


I know some folks travel for the holidays and will miss school Monday and Tuesday the 21st and 22nd. Although you will miss some fun, you will not miss or need to make up any work. On Monday we have an all school event involving stations and an assembly. On Tuesday we have our first trimester celebration involving games and activities. 

See you next week.
Ms. Lamb

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