Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday 12-15-14

Welcome back!
I bet everyone is glad to be back at school (especially parents.) It's good to have our routine back. I hope everyone has power.

Today in LA we finished last week's word study. We will not have a new list this week or next.
We are still working on December's read-a-thon. See how many books and pages you can read by the end of January.

We start new Iblock in January. Kids got letters today telling their next iblock teacher. There might be a few errors, but most will be solid.

During iblock period we did an essential task: organized our binders and cubbies. That feels good.

This afternoon we have social studies for Fantastic and all have math menu.

Remember lessons are tomorrow. Check the schedule.

Tonight's homework:
LA: Free choice journal or YWP Prompt: Sorry. Write a story or poem that incorporates the sentence "I'm sorry."

Read for 30 minutes

Math: Finding volume "How Many Cubes" and explain how you found the volume for one prism (in words.)

TEST TOMORROW - be ready, the test is on finding volume and explaining your thinking.

Skill sheet from last week is due on Thursday

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