Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday 2-16-15

Today we settled in with our Native American novels. We spent the remainder of LA reviewing the November reading test in preparation for our reading assessment tomorrow. I explained how we have a standards based assessment system at BRMS. This means students must "prove" their proficiency and I must give them opportunity with summative assessments. Long story short, this is one of them (informational). There will be another (literary) one right after vacation. Also, we shall finish our paragraphs from our first in class novel. These and our reading records will be our main summative assessments for reading.

In social studies, the Magficent group finished note-taking for the Inuit and moved into groups for our tribe research (Iroquois, Pueblo, Algonquin or Aztec) which will begin tomorrow. Hopefully the Inredible group will be all caught up by Thursday.

Homework today:
Math: Page 60 or something like that - check your assignment book
Read for 30 minutes
LA: YWP prompt - you have a hilarious and seemingly unuseful superpower. Explain how you can use it to combat a villain. (Or choose your own idea.)

Remember lessons tomorrow.
Also, permission is needed for our visit the the 7th grade economy of Modaviville if, and only if, you want a henna tatoo.

NOTE: Friday we are spending much of the day outside for a field day school wide activity. Dress for it - snowpants, books, warm coat, hat, mittens, scarf. It's called The I-Did-A-Run.

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