Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday 2-12-15 (and Wednesday 2-11 which I forgot)

Oh my, I didn't even realize that I forgot to post yesterday. It's been a busy week.
Here's yesterday's news
Homework was....
ISILT specifically about the lab in science and please print out if you do digitally
Math: Page 44? or something like that and skill sheet was due Thursday (today)
Read of course - 30 minutes

LA Current events AND make sure you have comments to three people on YWP who read the same book. You will soon revise your post to be a cohesive paragraph.
ALSO, make sure your first science fair worksheet is complete and shared with Ms. Lamb
READ 30 minutes

Today Mr. Warren, the king and master of the science fair, came to CPR to promote the SCIENCE FESTIVAL which will take place on April (okay I forgot the date, I'll find it and post tomorrow, something like the 10th.)

He did a cool little experiment and answered our questions.

For Ms. Lamb, all Team Energy kids will do a science fair project. Whether they take it to the festival is up to them, but there is a $100 first prize and $50 second prize and everyone gets a pint of Ben and Jerry's just for entering.

Here's the lowdown:
You must have a testable question
see some here Testable Questions
or check out science buddies

We also worked on our novel posts on YWP which will eventually become a strong paragraph about which element of CARES is best exemplified in our novel (cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, or self-control)

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