Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday 3-31-15

We are going bowling next Tuesday. Everyone brought home a permission slip today. Here it is if somehow it got lost.

Permission slip for bowling.

We are working very hard on our book reports for our classic novels. We worked a double period today, so no word study. We will have word study tomorrow. It will be a Thursday night homework assignment.

Tonight's homework.

Journal:  Try to get as far as you can on your book report. The last two sections are theme and mood.

Everyone has the criteria sheet shared with them. Here it is again.
Book Report Guide

Math: Page 95 (remember skill sheet is due Thursday)

Read for 30 minutes

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday 3-30-15

Happy Monday,
So, sorry I alarmed everyone about the science fair being due tomorrow when it's really due next Tuesday, BUT, congratulations because you are done.

Speaking of congrats, Jayme WON $200 at the Vermont History Day Expo in Montpelier on Saturday. Way to go. Her excellent leadership and legacy project on Jim Henson was amazing.

Tonight's homework.
Math: Page 90 and skill sheet
Read 30 minutes - you should be onto your DCF book now
Journal: Free choice or write about an injustice.

Remember,  some folks have not handed in their homework journal from last week or the word study from last week.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday ALERT*Special Weekend Homework***

If you have not completed your science fair experiement YOU MUST complete it over the weeend. The science fair project is due Tuesday. We are not planning classtime on Monday to work on this.

Thank you for your attention to this.


We have a whole other week. I was thinking the science fair was this coming week and it's next week. These projects are going to be AWESOME.

Sorry for the rushing...I'm a week ahead of myself.

SO, you have all week to finish your experiement. It's due here on APRIL 7th.

I better go home and get some sleep.

Thursday late post

The homework for yesterday was.....

Current evetnts

Sorry for the late post

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday 3-25-15

We organized in LA class today. All word study was checked and all work from second trimester put into big evidence binders.

In math menu we worked hard to finish our detailed reports for exemplars. This is homework. The spectacular finale is due Friday.

LA/Math: Finish exemplars and check with rubric.
Read for 30 minutes - novel. Your classic should be getting finished. Next chooose a DCF book past or present.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday 3-24-15

Math Homework:  Student pages 90-91

Students have a quiz for multiplication of fractions on Wednesday.  The need to complete pages 90-91 in their student pages.  These pages will be very helpful in preparing for this short quiz.

Monday and Tuesday 3-23 and 24, 2015

I forgot to post amist the factory of parent conferences. Thank to the 22 parents we fit in. You were on time and efficient. Well done.

Monday's homework was
Journal: Write about Vermont (YWP ) or free choice
READ you classics novel should be finishing up or done
Math: Page (81 I think??)
Remember: Exemplars is due Friday - complete write up (no skill sheet this week)

Tuesday homework:
LA: Finish word study sheet except for blind sort
READ - no kidding, really read

Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday 3-20-15

Report cards were mailed today. Please let us know if there is any question or problem - like it's not yours or the comments and grades don't match. Thanks.

Science fair is well underway. Each group needs their own trifold. I have some for sale for $4. The old History Day projects can be papered over. Those are still here as well.

If you signed up for a conference on Monday, please understand that you must be on time and you have 10 minutes per teacher. If you are late we can't accommodate you as our schedule is packed. Thank you for understanding. Check http://extremeconferences.bringit.bz/public/2225b8 to find your exact time.

Students are welcome and encouraged to come, but not required.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday 3-19-15

This is report card week and parent conferences. This means Ms. Lamb and Mr. Meadows are a litte stressed. We are grading assessments, putting in grades, writing comments and meeting with parents.
So, as a prize for students, there is no Current Events homework tonight. Go see the play instead.

Thursday homework:
LA - relax
Read your novel, especially since the classics novel needs to be done by next week.
Think about doing something for science fair
Exemplars write up is due next Friday

Science Fair is now underway.
Check out this document for complete directions Science Fair Directions

Science Fair Report

Here is a message from Mr. Warren if you need dry ice:

Green Mountain Messenger (in Williston) sells dry ice to the public.

You need a cooler and need to leave outside.  DO NOT put in fridge or freezer.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday 3/17 and 3/18

Tuesday's homework:
Finish reports: Native American an 5th grade handbook
Read for 30 minutes
Math - skill sheet due Thursday

Team Magnificent started their social studies Venn Diagram Assessment. Incredible will start tomorrow.

Incredible had their last few minutes to work on reports. Many people are looking towards science fair and classics novel project. Check out the When I'm Done shared doc.

Wednesday homework:
ISILT: What do you know about geology? What do you wonder about?
Read especially classics novel
Math skill sheet due tomorrow
Exemplars problem write up due next Friday 3-27

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday March 16, 2015

Today in LA we got our Native American reports back with interim grades on them. Students are allowed to revise tonight and tomorrow night for  homework. I will regrade on Wednesday. Remember, these are report card grades.

We also started our in class report assessment. We havea three class periods to complete this at school.

Codex should be done. If not, you may finish for homework, but grades are going on report cards Wednesday.

We have to have no spelling again this week - so we shall rededicate our lives to being better spellers starting next week (after report cards.)

The play is this week, so rest up. Use your time well at school. You can put of reading until next week if you are in the play. You may ask to stay in for recess if you need more time for report finishing.

That's all for today.
finish report and or codex
math: Skill sheet (Make sure 78-79 done)

Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday 3-13 A word on Writing Assessments

The ELA 5/6 teachers have decided we are doing our writing and reading report card grades according to our next year's dictate from CESU. This means we are a truly performance based/standards based report card. What this means for students and their report cards is:

Reading will be based on 2 in class item bank (NECAP type) assessments (A Park in Danger and No Skateboarding), Istation (the computer reading test), a read aloud fluency test (Oranges) and reading record of books read (expectation 7 novels or 1400 pages.)

Writing will be based on an in class report that students will write on site Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. I will also take into consideration their Native American Reports which can be worked on for homework next week. I will not give journal homework Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

I hope this helps to clarify reading and writing expectations.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

I have been a very very bad blogger this week and a very good forgetter. Here is a summary of homework for the past three days.
Write about your native American novel. What did you learn about this group of people from this novel?
Read for 20-30 min.
2 pages from book (I can't remember which)

ISILT - explain how gravity, inertia and friction are involved with sledding down a hill.
Read for 30
Math - 2 more pages (something like 78 and 79????)
finish skill sheet due tomorrow

Thursday TODAY
LA: Current events OR type and submit your YWP prompt for Vermont Writes Day.
Read for 30
Science test tomorrow - study your study guide

We are finishing our native American reports tomorrow in whatever state they make it too. We have to end due to report cards, but this will be taken into considertation. The real assessment is to write a short focused report in class next week on a topic of your own choosing. We will brainstorm Monday and complete Monday through Wednesday. If students wish to continue to work on reports at home. To help out, I will not assign journal homework next week.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday March 9

Today we finished our codex in Team Magnificent - Incredible will finish tomorrow.
Our next venture is to write our reports. Tomorrow we will do more research in class.

Today's homework
LA: Write about a bad idea that turned out great or free choice.
Read for 30 minutes. Native American book if it's not done - we are moving to kid's classics next.
Math: Skill sheet - don't wait - there will be other homework this week

ALSO consider
Codex if not done Magnficent
science fair - your experiement needs to get done at home
PARTY PERMISSION SLIP - there is a BRAG 5/6 party this Friday the 13th. Get your permission and $5 in asap.

Parent conference schedule is out. Go to


and sign up for one 20 minutes slot per family. Kids are welcome, but not required. You will have 10 minutes with each teacher

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday 3-6-15

We had library today and read from our Scholastic News together. Ms. Lamb collected journals and will post grades for the last two journal assignments.

We worked on our codices. Students are allowed to take them home. Monday will be the last in school work time. Remember, this is a big social studies grades.

On Monday I will be sending the link for conference signups on March 23rd from noon to 4 pm.

Have a great weekeind.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wednesday and Thursdsay 3-4&5-15

Well I'm off to a bad start, forgetting to post yesterday, first day back.
Here's the news of yesterday.
In LA we reviewed our first reading test "A Park in Danger" and took our second one "No Skating." Not too exciting.
LA: Science vocabulary sheet - this can be found on google classroom and eventually will be typed and posted there. This is due next Wednesday.
Read for 30 minutes
No math today

Since some of us were not here yesterday, there was a smattering of test finishers. Mr. Meadow's math class went to the lab to do a Star Math Assessment.
In LA and SS we began note-takin on our assigned tribes (Pueblo, Aztec, Algonquin or Iroquois) and got the low down on what our codex would be like. The notes and codex are a big social studies assessment. This will be due next Tuesday. Students are allowed to take it home to work over the weekend if they choose to.

Next week we begin and finish our reports on this tribe.

LA: Current Events - everyone has a magazine to use as a source. Please return tomorrow.
Math: In lieu of math homework, please continue to work on science vocabulary
Read novel for 30 minutes

Finn's mom, Becky, alerted me to this great play at the Flynn. If you read Peter and the Starcatchers or just like a good story, maybe consider going this play at the Flynn. I'm going to try to go and drag my son.