Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday 3-13 A word on Writing Assessments

The ELA 5/6 teachers have decided we are doing our writing and reading report card grades according to our next year's dictate from CESU. This means we are a truly performance based/standards based report card. What this means for students and their report cards is:

Reading will be based on 2 in class item bank (NECAP type) assessments (A Park in Danger and No Skateboarding), Istation (the computer reading test), a read aloud fluency test (Oranges) and reading record of books read (expectation 7 novels or 1400 pages.)

Writing will be based on an in class report that students will write on site Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. I will also take into consideration their Native American Reports which can be worked on for homework next week. I will not give journal homework Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

I hope this helps to clarify reading and writing expectations.

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