Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday March 9

Today we finished our codex in Team Magnificent - Incredible will finish tomorrow.
Our next venture is to write our reports. Tomorrow we will do more research in class.

Today's homework
LA: Write about a bad idea that turned out great or free choice.
Read for 30 minutes. Native American book if it's not done - we are moving to kid's classics next.
Math: Skill sheet - don't wait - there will be other homework this week

ALSO consider
Codex if not done Magnficent
science fair - your experiement needs to get done at home
PARTY PERMISSION SLIP - there is a BRAG 5/6 party this Friday the 13th. Get your permission and $5 in asap.

Parent conference schedule is out. Go to

and sign up for one 20 minutes slot per family. Kids are welcome, but not required. You will have 10 minutes with each teacher

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