Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday 10-27-14

We started with an All Team Meeting.
First we discussed email. Did you know your CESU email is not private? Anything you write on email can be accessed by adminstration. That being said, sometimes what you think is a funny joke at someone, that person does not think it so and they can't question you or see your face and it almost always gets back to that person. Please be especially careful of feeling on email and beware that your email can be seen by others.
Then we did our CARES SHOUT OUTS TO:
and Trevor. Theya re awesome.

In LA, Ms. Lamb returned jounrals and word study and discussed quality work. Also she showed how to create google folders and/or post on YWP.

We are working full out on narrative writing this week, so we are taking one week off from word study. We will have a quiz on last week's words tomorrow.

In math we continue with division. We are not using the standard algorithm. If you are intersted, ask you student how they are figuring out division.

In social studies, we are learning what a hunting and gathering society is and beginning our map placement of a society.

LA: free choice or YWP - write a winter tale
Read for 30 minutes
Math: division work sheet, work for an honest 20 minutes on division
Tomorrow is lesson day. Bring your instrument
8:50 Bells
9:15 Trumpets
9:40 Strings
10:05 flutes and oboes
1:25 clarinets
1:50 Saxes

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