Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday 10-22-14

Happy Wednesday!
In LA we settled on our Leadership and Legacy project topics (generally a biography). Mrs. Babbit talked to Awesome about the National History Day project we will all be completing. Fantastic will find out about it tomorrow.

Everyone now had a book source, cited it, and started reading and taking notes.

In math students are still working on division.

In math menu Awesome investigated some math game activities and Fanastic practiced some math games (all multiplication and division related).

Tomorrow, we switch activities.

Kids alos had band/chours, PE/World Language and Community, Organziation or Guidance today.

LA journal: Awesome write about science (scientific method and a few other ideas I forgot about were mentioned) or social studies (geographic terms and how geography affects people)

Read for 30 minutes (remember a total of two hours outiside of school reading is expected, at minimum)

Math: Count 21, 48 times

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