Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday 2-17-14

Today we visited the marketplace called Modavi Ville.  We have never been before, so didn't know what to expect. Modavi Ville is a market economy designed by the seventh grade. We each got $1000 to spend any way we wanted.

What I did not know is that kids would be purchasing a lot of sugar, or believe me, I would have warned parents and set limits for kids. Live and learn. Ms. Lamb's iblock went as a iblock experiement. We could only purchase wrapped items (no eating) and see who could get the most in 15 minutes. Then we discussed the economy marketplace.

In LA we took a test about the Everglades and started our new word study. In SS, we continued, or started note taking on our Native American tribes preparing for our codex making and report writing.

Homework tonight:
Math: Page 60 (I think)
Read for 30 minutes (everyone has a Native American novel now)
LA: Finish sort 1, 2 with explanation and 8 great sentences


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