Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday 12-22-14

Here we are during our art workshop with Mr. Brunelle, part of Wellness Day at BRMS.

Today, Ms. Lamb's CPR group visited three wellness workshops: yoga, fitness planning and art. Then, after lunch and recess we had some mindful mandala coloring followed by an interesting presentation on media and tobacco by Rob Williams. All in all, an informative and restorative day.

There will be no homework this week. Students may want to work on their biography projects for Leadership and Legacy. The approximate due date for projects in January 15.

Tomorrow we will have a team celebration. The schedule is something like this.
CPR large circle (like ATM) attendance and announcements.
Game of medic in the gym - both groups
Plan for group skits and talent show
PE/World Language
Coding or quite art activities
Indoor volleyball tournament (thank you Mr. Pless for organizing this)
5th grade chorus band concert

Ms. Lamb has to leave at 1:00 tomorrow for an eye docor appointment. If I don't get a chance to post tomorrow, I likely will over vacation. I'm still finishing the grades for last week's journals and wordstudy - look for grades to be posted in the next day or two. 

Have a safe and wonderful holiday and vacation. (I plan to post pictures of tomorrow's festivities, but I sometimes get waylaid.

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