Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday 12-9-14

Even though I am now remebering to take a photo of our Hour of Code...I I left both ipads home. (I could use my phone  -both batteries are dead and I can't find the cord - just a little downside of tech note from your friendly blogger.)

Thanks to Mrs MacAnulty and her trusty iphone (and email) I did get a photo of our Hour of Code.
Here is our Room Full of Coders.

Today we started with an Hour of Code. Mrs. McDevitt (our BRMS Math Wizard) came to introduce the subject and we all got to mess around and geek out on the computers with coding.

Then we all had our LA/Math and Science/Social Studies classes.

Today's homework:
LA journal: Reading - what is your goal for the winter read-a-thon. What goals would be good for you. What are you reading now and what do you like (or not like) about it?

Read for 30 minutes

Skill sheet due Thursday

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