Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday 12-18-14

Snow much fun at recess!

Here is a brief overview of the Vermont History Day project.

1) Read a biography and take at least 20 notes.
3) find and read an internet source on the same person
4) complete a MadLib exercise and turn in to Ms. Lamb
5) Create a bibilography using and share with Ms. Lamb
6) Complete a presentation organizer and turn in to Ms. Lamb (to be done on Friday 12-19)
7) Decide format of presentation: Written report, tri-fold presentation, live performance, documentary.

Complete presentation in class and at home if necessary. The presentations will be around January 15.

Homework tonight:
Current evetnts - article of the week schoalstice news Catching Fire in Thailand

Click on link to see article.

Read for 30 minutes

Math: Order of operations worksheet side one

Skiiers may do current events and reading over the weekend, but do the math!

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