Friday, January 9, 2015

Thursday and Friday 1-8&9-15

I'm sorry to say, I was away from the classroom yesterday and didn't check to see if the blog got blogged and it didn't.

Hopefully you all remembered the homework which was:
LA current event
Read for 30
Math back sheet page 6 and Khan Academy

Today the trifolds finally came! They cost Ms. Lamb $4 each. I have run out of budget money so am asking folks that want one to chip in $4 if they can.

We will use trifolds for the science fair (which I require also.) You can use the same trifold or purchase another one.

Remember, for your Leadership and Legacy project, you do not have to choose trifold. You can do a report, live performance or documentary (movie).

We will have one full week to finish our projects.  I'm tentatively thinking the presentation expo will be on Friday January 23rd in the library from 8:25 to 9:40.

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