Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday 1-7-15

Ms. Lamb was at a professional meeting all day but students still managed to have a good day.

Homework for tonight:

LA - ISILT - Students are to utilize the words, inertia, force and mass to try to explain why the marbles behaved the way they did during our experiment.

Math - Skill sheets were assigned on Monday and will be graded by the students this Thursday.  These needed to be finished before school.

Finally, students have been asked to do 20 -30 minutes of work on the Khan Academy website.  The Khan Academy (try the hyperlink and see for yourself) is a website created to help students learn almost anything they could ever imagine.  You can go onto Khan Academy, search for a topic of interest and you can find videos, links and quizzes on any subject you can imagine.  Students have signed up for accounts in school and will now be asked to complete 1 homework assignment a week on the Khan Academy.

What's great for me as their teacher, is I can see exactly how much they have been working, what they have been working on, and how well they are doing (or not doing).  It is my first year utilizing the Khan Academy but it has terrific potential.  Many teachers at BRMS rave about it.  So we will be trying it this year to see it if truly can be helpful to the students learning outcomes.  If you have thoughts or questions, let me know.

Stay warm!

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