Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday 1-21-15

Welcome back from the long weekend.

This is finish your Leadership and Legacy project week. We will work daily in class and for homework. Work will be presented on Friday morning in the library. The entire class will meet together. Parents are welcome to attend if they desire.

Tonight's homework:
LA - what specific task will you complete for your project? i.e. Write more of report, find pictures and write captions for trifold, write more of script for documentary or performance.

Be able  to answer these categories:

1) What did this person do to become a leader?

2) What is their background - time period, family, circumstance?

3) How did they affect the world at the time?

4) How did they change things for others?

This is major work for this entire week.

Page 17 if not required to do skill sheet, if you are required to do skill sheet you don't have to do page 17, but do the skill sheet. It's due Thursday.

Khan Academy due Friday.

All Team Meeting Summary:

We had a big talk about responsibilty and computers. We need to trust that kids are doing their work on Khan or for research when they are on the comptuer, not fiddling around streming music, watching videos or playing games. This is a big conversation going on all over the school, but we are taking this very seriously. Misuse may result in losing computer privileges for a time.  It's hard, but math and research can be done without a computer.

Valentines are allowed, but we ask that you bring one for everyone. We ask that you not bring candy. We have had some big problems with candy in the past.

The "R" word. BRMS is a place where we don't insult an entire group of people by teasing our friends for doing something silly. This means we don't call people retards or retarded or gay or a girl if they are a boy. I'm sure there are other examples, but you get the picure. We take this seriously and ask that kids do also.

MLK Day - community building. We took a minute to intoduce what Martin Luther King day is. Tomorrow we will spend a class period investigating the topic of community service.

Shout outs this week go to Maggie and Emma R. Way to go girls.

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