Saturday, April 18, 2015

Friday 4-17-15

We had our first experiment in "Quiet Time" learning. It was a bit of a "quiet party" but I based it on an idea from Daniel Pink called Fed Ex Day, when you absolutely need to get it there overnight. The idea is you do a project that you want to do, you have the time and you tell what you did.  For our first time kids could choose anything quiet and alone (we are also working on our mindfulness and our self-control around not talking - very hard for some, easy for others.) Kids did origami, clay design, reading, puzzles, rubber band bracelet making and design creating with shapes. Next time we will focus on language arts only or social studies only. It was interesting to observe. We had Beethoven playing in one room and low lights in the other room so we played with our ambiance.

After the silent party we totally rearranged the cubbies (no cleaning like a rearraging in my opinion.) So now, we are clean, organized and the Ms. Lamb's CPR is all in her room, and Mr. Meadow's CPR is all around the corner where kids chose one or two cubbies for themselves depending on their storage needs. All the cubbies got new labels.

I am so looking forward to no boot season which I expect right after vacation.

After our afternoon specials (Iblock, PE/World Language, COG) we enjoyed a faculty 8th grade basketball game. It was a hoot.

Have a lovely and restful break everyone.

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