Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday 4-27-15

Welcome back from vacation.

Over vacation I decided to change up our homework plan a little, and on the first day it immediately didn't work out. Well here's the plan for when it does work....
on Mondays we will introduce vocabulary and write definitions. Monday night will be 8 great sentences.
Tuesdays will be finish word study and do edutyping
Wednesdays still ISILT science journal
Thursdays free choice writing or ywp prompt. (I'm moving current events to classtime.)
So on the first day the bus evacuation drill and computers not working put a snag in the we are swapping Thursday's homework for tonight and finishing vocab in class tomorrow.

Upcoming this week: finish our Beethoven writing piece (report, story, poem (of length), newspaper article, letter or some other great idea). Post on YWP to share with class.

Poetry with music. We continue listening to Beethoven and learning about and writing poetry.

Friday we have a chamber concert.

In math menu we learned a new dice game for practicing multiplication.

Math: Skill sheet (due Thursday)
LA: Free choice or YWP - you see a stranger and follow him or her undercover
Read for 30 minutes (DCF book)

optional - you may choose to work on your Beethoven piece or finish vocab definitions or do your edutyping tonight.

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