Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thursday 4-16-15

Today in LA both groups did buddy sort to finish word study for this week. AC had another chapter of The Night Gardener and DC finished the Biography video of Beethoven. Both groups heard about Fed Ex day tomorrow (more to follow) and the new DCF books we have for reading. Then we went to the OWLS to finish our Beethoven Webquest and begin our final draft of our chosen writing piece on Beethoven (possibly started on Tuesday???)

In math menu we corrected our skill sheets.

Over in math, they were doing something interesting on the computer and watching a video in science.

Homework today:
LA: finish webquest and work on final draft of Beethoven writing piece (at least 10 minutes.)
do edutyping lesson if you didn't do it last night
Read for 30 minutes
No math tonight

FEDEX day tomorrow. Bring anything you might need. (Fedex because it absolutely has to get done today,)

Here's what it is. This is an idea borrowed and modified from Daniel Pink.
We will work for 75 minutes in silence on something we want to do that is not connected to technology. The only technology involved is the playing of Beethoven music in Ms. Lamb's room on the CD player.

We are working silently as we are working on this ability (ha ha) and to be mindful (another thing we are working on) Ms. Lamb has several books and activities. Kids are allowed to bring in their own silent independent activities (like that birthday present craft I never got to) and possible a pillow if they want to work on the floor in comfort (please don't go overboard with several pillows, a comforter and twenty stuffed animals.)

I'll let you know how it goes. After 75 minutes we will write in our journals to "report out" on our work.

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