Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday 5-22-15

Weekend homework: If you are not done (you know who you are....)
Bio card and DCF illustration.

For the trip on Tuesday:
Wear shoes for the quarry. Bring a long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt as we start early and it could be quite chilly.

For the beach - you can bring a bathing suit, but we are not allowed in the water as the water temperature is still 51 degrees and we have no lifeguard.

We will however, have hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and drinks. You can bring anything else you want to eat and any safe games that can be played at the park.

We will have frisbees
a few pails and shovels
some bases
a kickball
a volleyball
maybe a whiffle ball and bat if we can find one

We plan to leave at 8:30, arrive at the quarry around 9:15.
Stay at the quarry observing until 11.
Go to the park at the Sandbar from 11 to about 1.
Return to school by 2:00.

Have a great long weekend.

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