Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday 5-5&6

I forgot to post yesterday. My apologies.

On Tuesday moved forward with our read alound. We finished word study for the next three weeks - hiatus due to testing. Ms. Lamb collected the 8 great vocab sentences. We went to the lab and printed our three pieces of evidence for progress reports and evidence binders: Beethoven piece, classic book report and science fair report.

LA: edutyping one lesson, ten minutes
Math: page ? I forgot, but there was a page
Read your novel DCF novel no kidding.

So speaking of this homework, after I thought about it a while, these three testing weeks are a good time to catch up on edutyping and reading. Really really really get as far as you can with edutyping and reading novels. I'm trying to work out an incentive or prize for those who reach a certain goal. I'll look in my prize vault.

We started our explorer unit with a look at what drove these guys (white Eurpean males of the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries) to take to the seas?

Also, we started (finishing tomorrow) our VIB assessment - Bridges of New York City.

AND  we were treated to a fantastic concert by the 5/6 band and chorus. It was really great.

LA - really -  edutyping and read
Math - skill sheet due tomorrow

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