Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Yikes

Sorry, sorry, sorry....SBAC tests have thrown me off my habits.

Here's what we have been doing.

First, last Friday we had a visit from a local artist, Diana Dunn, who shared her DCF illustration for this year's winner Chris Grabenstein who wrote Mr. Lemoncello's Library (this year's winning book.)

We all began our own DCF illustration from our chosen book (past or present or sometimes approved outsider.) The illustration has to be original, not copied from the cover or any where else. It will include the title and author and represent the "essence" of the book in the artist's opinion.

On Monday we continued work on our Bio-cards and illustrations. Ms. Lamb checked in on everyone's choices and the current book they are reading.

Social studies AC listened to some more of The Night Gardener.

On Tuesday we had a gruelling session of math. Some students spent more than 3 hours working on the test. We certainly have "stamina" covered. We are very very pleased with the effort of students on these assessments.

Today, Wednesday, we are in the middle of our last session (math.)  A few kids will need to do some make up of various things, but we plan to be completely finished by Friday.

Please remember we have a field trip on Tuesday, the day after Memorial Day which is a non-school day. Kids will need to come prepared for a hike and time on the beach afterwards. More on this will be posted here tomorrow.

No homework until Thursday.
The work due Friday is
Bio-card final draft
DCF illustration final draft

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