Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday 5-13-15

Man, these tests are hard!!

Today we finished our second ELA test for SBAC. It exhaused us. This afternoon we had PE/Music an COG. In SS we read a chapter of One Safe Place for DC and worked a little on our Explorer Bio Card. AC had science.

We have a field trip planned to Lessor's Quarry and Sand Bar Beach on Tuesday May 26.  Here is the permission slip.

Kids also brought home a hard copy today. Please return signed with $5 to cover lunch and admission to the park.

Homework remains for the week:
Read DCF novel
Skill sheet (due Friday this week only)
do any lessons you can in edutyping and
Finish work from pre-progress report if you need to (Classics Book Report, Beethoven piece, Science Fair Report)

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