Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday September 8, 2014

Today, Ms. Lamb is the blogger.
I forgot to give anyone the ipad, so sadly we have no pictures today. I shall have to paint a picture with my words.

We started with CPR on our first Monday of the school year. In Ms. Lamb's CPR we got through all the announcements, shared about our weekend and played 4 corners. It was pretty fun.

Next, we were off to math or LA. We work in two class groups called Awesome and Fantastic. In LA, we went to the computer lab and finished our reading assessment and started edutyping. Typing skills will be very important all the way through school, so we are getting them down now. Ms. Lamb can type with her eyes closed, if she doesn't get off home base.

After LA and math we finished our end of the week "week in rap." They were so great, Mr. Meadows and Ms. Lamb decided we will recreate something like them to show at open house. You can look forward to that on September 23rd in our classroom.

We have a new team name, but I don't know what it is yet. I will sort the ballots tonight.

After PE (Lamb CPR - Terrific) or Music (Meadows CPR - Super) we had a big social studies block. We finished our presentations on the week in rap, voted for our team name and began our learning inventories or learning styles. Many students were able to use the lap top computers to finish the inventory and print the results. Others had computers that disagreed with that entire procedure, but we will finish tomorrow if need be.

We all filled out our homework assignment books and headed to EXP (technology, art or health) for the end of the day.

Homework today:
LA  journal: What do you hope to accomplish in fifth grade? What are your hopes, dreams and desires?
10 minutes - one page (or half page if you are working up to it)

Read your novel for 10-20 minutes (also working up to it)

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