Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014 Thursday

Here is the flag I mention below.

Ms. Lamb is the blogger today. I forgot to take pictures except for this one, We had indoor recess so we all did Just Dance using youtube and the bright link. 

In LA we got caught up with Dave and Lindsay and their no talking plans. We have a plan to try it, maybe tomorrow.  We started working with the laptops again. At least we got them out, logged on, checked email and shut down and put back. Sounds simple....but not so much.

We made our team flag. I'll post a picture of that in a minute.

We all went to chorus today. Students will sign up for chorus to commit starting October 1st. Remember to get the band instrument papers in as soon as you can.

We started social studies for the Awesome group and science for the Fantastic group. In five weeks we will switch. 

In social studies we colored some geographic terms.

Homework today:
Joural: What do you do when you are stressed? Remember 1/2 to whole page, 10 minutes
Read your novel 20 minutes
No math today

Ms. Lamb will collect journals tomorrow. I expect to find 10 entries (I think two were at school and 8 were homework.)

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