Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4, 2014 Thursday

We all organized our social studies, science, language arts binders today. There are three tabs, a schedule and some paper. Kids are bringing them home to share with parents and bringing them back tomorrow. These will not come home very often.

Later in the day we all had chorus with Mr. Tisdell.

Mr. Meadows introduced the laptops in math today. We are getting ready to take a math assessment. We have a lot of assessments to take in September.

This is Ms. Lamb's homework board. At the end of the day we all write down our assignments in our red assignment books. This week, we have enough time to do our homework at school. Next week we will just have a few minutes to get started.

Today's blogger: Ms. Lamb

We had a great day. We played a crazy game of kickballl called "Over Under Kickball." We got pretty hot and we talked about doing weird things and being a good sport about it.

The computers were cranky as they sometimes are, so the introduction did not go 100% smoothly, but we had another chance to be good sports when things don't go the way we planned.

In LA, we got to read our own books for a bit, finish up our assessment from yesterday if we needed to and read three more chapters in No Talking.

Today's homework
Journal: Write about a person you admire. They can be real or fictional. Describe them. Why do you admire them. Try for at least a half page, but a whole page is the ultimate goal.

Read your novel for at least 10-20 minutes. We are working up to 30 minutes a night, but may need to build stamina.

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