Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014 Monday

TETHER! Everyone come out to play  and burn of there excitement and restlessness with a good game of tether or wall ball but there is a price...

tired and sweaty!

Today's bloggers: Marinda and Ms. Lamb

We worked more on our YWP first post. We post, comment and revise. This will be our third grade.
Ms. Lamb has not posted grades yet on Schoology, but will soon and post directions for accessing. It will take a bit of training and figuring out on her part.

We started Iblock today. It is either math or reading with Mr. Sullivan, Ms. Lamb, Mr. Meadows, Ms. Erickson, Mrs. Babbitt, Ms. Lipsitt or Mrs. McDevitt.

Homework today:
Journal for LA : Mondays will be YWP prompt day. Any student who wishes to send in work to get published in the newspaper or on line must return a parent permission form. They can be found on Ms. Lamb's desk or on the YWP page.
An Alien visits Vermont.....

Read for at least 20 minutes in your novel.

Math: Subtraction worksheet (A good 20 minutes or until finished)

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