Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 26 Friday

Group work in Social Studies - building a hunting and gathering society in Schlunkland.

This is a huge triumph - nothing on the floor! Everything is hung up! We now have labeled hooks. Time will tell if we can keep orderly.

Today's bloggers: Ms. Lamb

On Fridays we end with All Team Meeting. This week's Shout outs went to Edie, Jack, Thatcher and Haily - Hurrah!

Today we finished our first week of word study and now know the routine. Next week we start in our groups.
We read another chapter of No Talking and did some picture word note taking.
In science we continued with what floats?
and in social studies groups are still working on the descriptions of their hunting/gathering socieites.

Remember, no homework on the weekend - but some kids still owe their journals to Ms. Lamb. Don't forget them on Monday. If you were absent during the week, use your weekends to finish homework and classwork from the week past.
Enjoy the sunny weather.

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