Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday 10-24-14

Mr. Mindell subbed for Mr. Meadows today. He is very impressed with our hard work and positive behavior.

In social studies, we finished our atlas assignment (a few are finishing during silent reading today or at home). All word study was handed in yesterday and is currently be graded and will be posted this weekend.

We had library today and were introduced to new books. We also went to the lab to practice edutyping.

Two specials happen on Fridays PE for Terrific and Music for Super followed by COG. We will be ending the day with silent reading (your novel or your biography) and All Team Meeting.

No homework this weekend unless finishing something from the week or reading to fit in your two hour minimum per week outside of class.

Have a great weekend. I hope the sun shines.
Ms. Lamb

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