Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday 10-23-14

CPR - we played arm hockey - good game for indoor recess. Mr. Meadows played gaga - also good game for indoor recess.

In math we continue to divide.
In LA we reviewed and practiced how to do a current event journal entry. We read "Far From Home" and cited it like this:

Barber, Joe. "Far From Home." Scholastic News. 10-20-14.

They summarized with who, what, when, where, why how. Then we wrote what our thoughts opinions were. The whole thing should talk up about a page. Here is what mine looked like.

Kids are walking into the U.S. from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Guides are hired by parents, but they leave the kids who walk many miles unaccompanied. This is a problem for the U.S. They are illegal undocumented immigrants. This is happening now and for the past several months.

This is frightening for these kids. I can't imagine anyone from this class walking 11miles alone across a desert. I also sympathise with the officials trying to figure out what to do with a thousand kids - they don't even know where to send them back to? How bad must it me for there for these kids to do this alone?

Mrs. Babbitt talked to the Fantastic group about National History Day. We will all complete a project under the Leadership and Legacy theme. If kids choose to, they can get ready to compete in December. The competition is in April or May. (This is the biography project.) BTW - you can't do the person you did in 4th grade...sorry, expand your horizons.

In Social Studies we worked with atlases today.
Sorry, I don't know what went on in science.

Homework today:
LA Current Events - yes you have to do another one on your own. Cite your source
Read for 30 minutes
Math: Page 49

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