Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday 10/13/14

In Science we are getting ready for our end of unit assessment on Wednesday. We have been studying density.

In social studies, we are making a final google presentation project on Vermont and Me. How does the geography in Vermont affect the way I live. We have three class periods to finish. Homework is allowed, but not required.

In LA we reviewed our pre-progress report work in journals, reading expectations and word study. We read one more chapter of No Talking. We have two chapters left.

In math we are working on the benefits of mental math.

Homework today:
LA journal: Free choice or YWP promt: Writer a story about meeting your guardian angel.

Read for 30 minutes, really, really read.

Math: Page 35

Band lessons tomorrow for all instruments (not guitar). Strings, special guest teacher at lunch and recess, please bring a lunch.

Ms. Lamb is the blogger

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