Thursday, October 2, 2014


This afternoon we hiked to Mills River Park to use nature as our writing prompt. I already have heard some great things, so I can't wait to see the finished products.

There's a very active dragon mural going on at recess.

This morning in LA we finished our word study with a buddy sort or blind sort (practice quiz) and handed in our word study. Then we had a very mini writing lesson on experience writing - get inside your story and let your reader experience it with you. Do this with details, present tense and/or emotion.

We had band/chorus and study hall today as well as our regular closing meeting time. If you are lucky, you might have your homework finished before you get home.

Homework today:
LA: Current Events - find out about some news happening in the world or nation. Summarize, write your thoughts and cite your source.

Read for 20 minutes.

Math: Pages 20, 21 and 23

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