Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday 10-15-14

No pics today...sorry.

Ms. Lamb's Awesome Social Studies class worked more on finishing their social studies assessment Vermont and Me. The assignment is here

Vermont and Me

This should get finished over vacation if it is not.

Students and parents have an email describing how to access for Ms. Lamb's classes. This is where you can track work that has been handed in and the standards grade. Work can be redone or completed. If resubmitted, you need to email Ms. Lamb so she knows to check it and chage the grade.

Progress Reports went home today. They do not need to be returned.

Science kids in Fantastic had a science assessment today. I also heard something about a math quiz.

Todays homework:
Seriously check your Monday and Tuesday journal to see that it has a date, and is complete.
Read your novel over vacation. You need to read the equivalent of 1200  pages for a 3 and a variety of genre. Break out of those graphic novels.

Finish your social studies Vermont project.

Cheers. Have a great mini-vacation.
Ms. Lamb

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