Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday 5/26-27

We had a wonderful time yesterday. We saw a lot of fossils and had fun at the Sand Bar State Park.
Thank you to all the parents that could join us.

On Tuesday in LA we prepared to write our argument about Christopher Columbus. Is he a hero or a villain? We gathered some evidence by reading an article from called "Columbus Controversy."

We began our essay in our in class journals. Students will submit a rough draft of this essay, typed or handwritten on Friday at the end of class. Students who need to can continue to work over the weekend. The expectation is at least three paragraphs and three reasons. We will work some more today with the DC's and Thursday and Friday along with reading our read aloud novel.

Tonight's homework:
Math: Page 40 and 41 - math unit test on Friday on angles

LA: Essay is due Friday - consider working on it, you should have an introduction with your stance and 3 good reasons why.

Read your novel for 30 minutes


  1. Hi there. Did you know you can post comments on this blog?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This might be a fun way for us to keep in touch over the summer. I can post and kids and parents can comment. It will also make me write.
